Tips for Building a Good Business Website

Whatever your industry may be, having a high-quality website is key if you want to see success come from your business. If you’re new to website design or just need help revamping your current website, you’ve come to the right place. Listed below are helpful tips you can use to create a website that truly stands out. Ready? Let’s dive into it…

Choose a Good Domain Name

A domain name is your website’s address. This is how you will appear on search engines, so ensure you choose a good one as first impressions matter. Ask yourself these questions before deciding on a domain name:

  • Is it easy to spell?
  • Is it too long or too short?
  • Will it be remembered?
  • Is it full of jargon?
  • Does it look professional?

This criterion is critical if you want your domain name to be taken seriously.

Add a Pop of Color

Expect your customers to immediately be uninterested if your website is dull. Adding a color scheme and some pretty pictures will create a more inviting aesthetic which will make the visitor stick around. However, try not to go color mad as this will have the opposite effect meaning the customer will leave because your site screams unprofessional. Choosing two or three complementary colors is sufficient.

Get a Host

There’s no point going through all the trouble of writing a bunch of content, selecting a color scheme and choosing a domain name if your website won’t even be viewed on the web. You need to find a web host that can connect your domain name and is affordable (there will be a subscription).

Showcase Your Products the Right Way

Regardless of what you are selling, products need to be marketed effectively. Provide all the necessary details about what you are selling in bullet points so it’s easy to read, list the benefits of the product, show shipping duration, and include HD pictures (see supercast as an example).

Include Sharing Options

An efficient way to attract more customers to your website is to include share buttons at the end of your content. If a user liked what they saw they will want to share, especially if there is a convenient way of doing that i.e your share buttons.

Navigation Is Key

Customers are turned away by messy sites, therefore, it is important to get your site organized with sidebars, subheaders, and a homepage – this makes navigation a whole lot easier for users. Read more on website navigation.

Remember Call to Actions

At the end of every piece of content, there should be a call to action. This is a short and sweet paragraph encouraging the reader to act on something. For example, you can suggest they check out your Ebook or join your next webinar.

Establish Trust

Trust is very important to consumers, and people only buy from businesses they feel they can rely on. Including an ‘about’ page, contact details and a privacy policy makes you appear more genuine to the user.

For More Advice

Beginners can discover more tips on starting their business here.

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