The very nature of running a company is about learning to promote yourself in the right corners. Promotion and marketing are so crucial to the business that you need to have the right tactics. As far as marketing is concerned, promoting any small business content is still king. But even if you have a killer piece of content, you have to promote it in the right ways.
With this in mind, what are the fundamentals of promoting that ever-reliable piece of content, the humble blog?
Getting Traffic From Google
The power of search engine optimization is something that every business needs to harness to make their content go further. While you may be consistently blogging and have some form of ranking in Google, you may want to optimize your posts to make them more SEO friendly so you can funnel traffic further into your blog. You can do this by getting an SEO company to help you, and here is a link to one of the many SEO companies out there, but you can also do things yourself to tidy up your search engine optimization potential. On its most basic level, it boils down to understanding your target market. Understanding what your ideal blog readers are interested in through insights and then creating an article that is different from what is already out there and getting links to that article via other websites is, in its most basic form, how you can get traffic.
Running Facebook Ads
It’s crucial to promote your blog on the most prevalent social media channels. Facebook is the biggest social media channel out there but when you are looking for cheap or free methods, you’ve got to consider how long it takes to get the adequate results. For example, if you use a website like Quora and leave links to your blog posts in them, how long does it take to create the content in comparison to paying a PPC company to run Facebook ads for you? It’s about realizing that everything costs money, especially in terms of promotion.
Creating Content That Is Share-Worthy
It is the most obvious answer of all, but it is still worth reiterating. It is the single most important way to impress your readers and elicit an emotion within them, which then encourages shares. Creating great content is about providing something unique and insightful. Arguably, reading this piece of content you may find aspects of this you are already aware of because you’ve seen it on other content. But when you start to look at the plethora of content out there that promotes similar tools you’ve got to add something different to it either to make it stand out in a unique way and this can even mean incorporating quirky components to help make the content stick out, like this video…
While video will help to improve the rankings of specific pieces of content, when you think about promoting your blog, you’ve got to stand out in the eyes of the reader. Promoting blogs is an ongoing practice and there are so many different ways to do it.