Category: Finance

Practical Tax Planning Ideas for A Small Business

The annual tax bill can be a smaller company’s dreaded nightmare! Though this statement is a necessary expense and a huge part of running any sized business or corporation, there are some ideas available for the smaller of companies which can help reduce the overall cost&hellip...

Benefits of Quarterly Budgets Over Yearly Budgets

Though it has been considered the norm when accounting to prepare budgets annually, it is not always a practical way to discern the financial status of a company, particularly that of a smaller business. While budgets are not a cast iron representation of a business activity,&hel...

Read Your Loan Terms Carefully and Don’t Ignore the Small Print

Without a doubt, the forms required to fill out a loan application can be one of the most tedious and excruciating ways of spending your time. However, a clear majority of people will tend to skip when reading the small print of such loans and instead…...

A Mini-Guide on Investing for Beginners

Investing is often seen as an area where only those with huge amounts of money in their bank accounts plus a full-blown knowledge of the investment market can successfully take part in. For those with less disposable income and a complete lack of the concept of…...

Would I Benefit from the Services of An Investment Advisor?

If you are considering taking on investments, you may be wondering exactly where to start and how to ensure that the investment you choose is the best fit for you. Investment opportunities are not always clear-cut and are often bypassed by many of us due to…...