Category: Finance

A Guide to Using Home Equity to Buy an Investment Property

Do you have your eyes set on a property investment opportunity but you’re struggling with your finances? Saving for a down-payment can be a major hassle for many. However, ask any property guru and you’ll find that the key is to access your home equity....

Unusual Financial Boosts

There’s not a day that goes by where most of us don’t think about a little financial boost. We all need it from time to time… well… most of the time. The hard truth is, that unless you’re really well off, you’re never going to be…...

So Your Finances Are a Mess: Now What?

It’s all too easy, in this day and age, to fall into a financial mess. The cost of living is going up; we need things like vehicles and smartphones to exist in the modern world, and wages have stagnated or gone down in many industries. So…...

Ways for Caring Individuals to Make Money

Now, the world of business can often be pretty cut-throat. In order to succeed, you generally have to tread on others. It’s dog eat dog and if you don’t push competition aside, they’ll take your customers and your profits in one fell swoop....

Equity Investors and Interest Rates: What You Need to Know

Seasoned investors and novices alike know that the risks involved with investment come partly from the largely unpredictable nature of interest rates and bond prices. While using a strategy based on trying to exploit these fluctuations will often prove fruitless, you may still be...